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I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. – Henry David Thoreau


When I first read Thoreau’s “Where I Lived and What I Lived For” in high school, his essay was a provocative call to action for a young person imagining what constitutes a well-lived life. As I set off into adulthood all those years ago, I promised myself I would not waste a minute of my time on the planet distracted by the clutter that can gradually hollow out a life.


Halfway through this journey now, it’s been no easy feat to remain intentional in a culture fixated on instant gratification and the shiny and the new--all while feverishly pressing us toward the finish line of our lives.

Despite this quest to go go go, I believe we’re all best served and can best serve others when we make space to slow down and pay attention to what’s needed for a meaningful life. For me, living with intention is about being present with the people and physical world around us. It’s about being present with ourselves where we are and supporting others in this most important of adventures.

Furrow & Trowel is an occasion to practice that mindfulness and gratitude through horticulture, artisan work, and home cooking and baking. It’s my chance to chronicle where I’ve lived and what I’ve lived for. I hope Furrow & Trowel inspires you to find what gives you purpose and to practice that purpose with presence and love.


Here’s to living the heck out of our one and only wild and precious lives.

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